As a teacher, I often hear the comment of first time observers, “I thought they were just playing.” I cherished the opportunity to reveal all of the ‘learning’ that was taking place during such moments.

What appeared to be simple play was actually interactive, engaged learning! Children applying new vocabulary, developing new perspectives, building confidence, learning to sequence & create flow charts as they followed instructions to play a game…

Every encounter with children is an opportunity for immense growth & learning. Don’t be fooled by how it appears to your eyes. That child playing “Go Fish” may be developing his arsenal of adjectives to describe the card he seeks; those children tossing a ball like a hot potato may be naming facts about mammals with each toss; those children wearing costumes acting out a story scene may be applying the changes & implications on expression that punctuation marks (?.!,) have…

...the truth is, play is an emotional, fun, interactive experience. Research shows that people tend to be more eager to participate, more likely to explore curiosity, & are more likely to retain knowledge that has an emotional impact - especially a positive one!

Monthly Family Fun Activities

Family Fun Event! 

Join Maestra Casiano for a fun-tastic Zoom time!  Make a cool craft, get fantastical books & experience how fun learning can be! Register by August 5th to ensure supplies arrive in time!

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